Photos, Links, Contemplations and Fascinations
A blog suitable for "ADD" challenged surfers (like myself) who must be able to read a post within 2 minutes or less

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Hiking in the Sandia Mountains

On a tip from a friend, we (that's Homer and I (Sedona)) decided to go for a hike in the Sandia mountains. To document our excursion, we brought along a photographer although after looking at the pics we realized he was a rank amateur and we refused to pose further.

The trip began rather late in the afternoon (about 3:30) but that was plenty enough time for us to get to canyon estates trail head. After arriving, we quickly hit the trail and started work.
We came upon this small waterfall in about 10 minutes or so. Our photographer thought it was cool (including the small caves nearby) but we could care less. There was a lot of work to be done so we kept moving.It wasn't long before we had our first encounter. A trespasser was coming down the hill in our lane and we would have none of that. To our dismay and lucky for the intruder, the photographer broke it up before we could tear him from limb to limb. We stood our ground as the intruder moved away quickly with fear in his eyes.
By this time we had built up quite an appetite. We ordered the sherpa (aka photographer) to pull some chow from his pack. There were plenty of supplies including water, chocolate and tangelos and we quickly got down to business.
After a quick snack the sherpa packed up and we continued our move up the hill but with increased vigour. Sunset was approaching and we were feeling squeezed for time.
Although our photographer would not let us finish any of the fights we started, like the one with a large german shepherd which we refused to let the sherpa photograph, and also like the one with this innocent darky (who knows what his breed is), we still had a lot of fun. See ya on the trail -- but move over rover or we'll run you down!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Saluki Mix Am I?

I recently adopted another dog from a local rescue organization as a companion to me and Sedona-Puff. On a routine visit to the pet store for a bag of dog food, I came across this very alert and beautiful young male (estimated age is 1 1/2 years).
His breed was marked as spaniel/setter mix and I accepted that although he had the body of a greyhound and red hair that I thought was similar to an irish setter. On my first hiking trip with him (the next weekend) I observed that he was an amazing runner and very graceful to boot. It was so much fun watching him run through the woods that I took him out again the next weekend.
Although she wasn't quite sure, a friend suggested that he looked like a Saluki. I had never heard of a Saluki and had trouble with the spelling. After sometime I got the spelling right and I found some information on the internet although it is significantly less than what one can find for most breeds. For myself (an amateur on dog breeds), I am about 75% sure that he is a Saluki mix. He is very intelligent, layed back, and loving inside the house. He follows me around everywhere and is quick to obey commands. My observation is that he has a very strong prey instinct and is somewhat regal in stature and nature. Saluki mix am I?

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Wow! Thats a nice picture, but what's even more impressive is the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. More info on the monarch and caterpillar here. I strongly believe that "all natural things are symbols of spiritual facts." (Emerson)

In this case I am referring to personal transformation. I am beginning to realize how powerful our thoughts are and how they really do control our lives. I have a coffee addiction and have been trying to quit for several years. I reduced the amount that I was drinking down to1/2 cup (medium to strong brew) and a week ago was when I had my last 1/2 cup. So at this point, I don't get headaches and now its a mental exercise of resisting that 1/2 cup. What I realized is that to replace that 1/2 cup I need to fill the mental void of addiction with something else. This idea of replacing one thing with another is written down everywhere and I have read it numerous times but now I finally understand and believe it. The thought waves in my mind continously surge back to that 1/2 cup of coffee and I need to replace those waves with something less addictive.