Links to recipes that look good to me!
- Fresh Cranberry Sauce (my own minor variation on a basic theme! Its tasty!)
- Nutritional Information on Veggies! (good for you!)
- Banana Nut Bread
Photos, Links, Contemplations and Fascinations
A blog suitable for "ADD" challenged surfers (like myself) who must be able to read a post within 2 minutes or less
Links to recipes that look good to me!
These items need to be completed by May 31, 2006
Immigration policy is a failure -- especially with regard to Mexican immigrants. Witness the millions of illegal/undocumented Mexicans living in the US. Witness the millions if not billions of dollars expended on patrolling the US/Mexican border. Witness the thousands of Mexicans who die trying to cross into this country through very hot deserts with little or no water. Witness the massive expenditures extending benefits (such as health care and education) to undocumented workers in border states such as California, Arizona and New Mexico.
I can't find it now, but I stumbled across someone's blog the other day that really rang true for me: "read my blog for god's sake!"
Is passion one of those things that is conserved -- as in the "conservation of mass?" As we get older do we loose that sense of abandon and sit on our hands while the next generation runs off and has all the fun? I have always had a passion about Alaska since I spent my formative years growing up in a small town called Homer. My goal of somehow working Homer back into my life is always in the back of my mind and I have made some progress on that but its never enough. I live thousands of miles away and have thousands of reasons (as in dollars and sense?) why I can't just get up and show up in Homer as apparently Jill did. Then again she is nearly 20 years younger than me and she also has an amazing amount of enthusiasm and passion for what she is doing. Its really quite exciting to see and on some level I am jealous. But it really wasn't that long ago that I threw caution to the wind and moved from Homer to Anchorage to Hawaii to Texas to Virginia to Texas and finally to New Mexico. [ASIDE:If your from Homer and your (still?) reading this and you have lived there since prior to the "beginning of time or 1986" as Jill says (which by the way is almost the beginning of time for her if she really is 26) then with a little investigative work you may be able to determine just who I am.] Well "caution to the wind" is really not accurate. I had a passion for what I was doing and that passion dragged me from place to place. But somehow my momentum has dissipated and I have been sitting here in NM for 8 years. Sometimes after several cups of java I go into orbit and almost get enough momentum to fly off on some other trajectory. But that coffee buzz wears off and I return to my safe and steady path which includes a good government job with good pay and solid health insurance. Where's the passion? Did it get transfered to Jill and her generation through some cosmological quantum physics process (otherwise called aging) that is invisibly but inevitably working on us all?